5 Tips To Save Money On Your Landscape Design

Landscaping improves the overall look of your home and can provide hours of outdoor relaxation. How can you have the best looking landscaping in the neighborhood without breaking the piggy bank? If you love the outdoors, gardening, and working in you yard, but don’t have a huge budget for landscaping, we’re here to help. Today we’re going to look at 5 simple tips that can help you save money and still design beautiful landscaping.
1 ) Use Native Plants – Some foreign plants can be more expensive and may have a harder time flourishing. If you’re not sure which plants are native, ask a expert like your local garden center. Not only can they help, but shopping locally also supports your local economy.
2 ) Time Your Buying – You don’t have to purchase all of the plants, grass, and trees for your landscape at once. Plan your buying around your budget. Likewise, you can often save money by purchasing certain types of landscaping materials in their “off months.” Read more about fall landscaping for NEXT summer.
3 ) Cheaper is Not Always Better – Many home improvement stores sometimes offer cheaper prices on common plants. However, they may not offer the same quality, selection, and service that you receive at local garden centers or specialty stores.
4 ) Team Up With Neighbors – Save money on that DIY project by sharing the expense with friends or neighbors. How? Plan a weekend where you both need to rent landscaping equipment and share the cost. Have a large landscaping project? It’s important to remember that, often times local landscaping professionals can actually save you money and time.
5 ) Use H2O Intelligently – The EPA has done studies that show that 20% of total home water use is actually outdoor water. Choosing plants that don’t require as much water, as well as installing an irrigation can save water and save you money in the long run.
What money-saving landscaping tips do you have to share with us? Do you compost to save money on fertilizers? Use seeds and trimmings to grow new plants? Leave us a comment below and share your own tips!
If you would like the professionals at Brackman’s Stepping Stone Rock and Garden Center, LLC to help with your landscaping or gardening, give us a call today at 601-264-2886 or email us at thesteppingstone@live.com.