Halloween Landscaping Tips and Ideas

Does your family like to go all-out decorating for holidays? Do you enjoy creatively landscaping your yard? If so, we’re here to help. Today we’re going to provide a checklist of Halloween landscaping plants and provide a few ideas for bringing everything together. There are hundreds of ways to decorate for Halloween and all of them are not listed below, so please leave your favorite Halloween landscaping ideas in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.
Halloween Landscaping Checklist
1 ) Mums – When it comes to Fall, mums are the most popular in bringing Fall and Halloween colors to your yard.
2 ) Pumpkins – Who doesn’t think of pumpkins when thinking about Halloween? Don’t forget to carve your favorite jack-o-lantern!
3 ) Grapevine – Create a Southern or even scary look on your porch or throughout your yard with grapevine. With a little creativity, you can also make some great looking Halloween wreaths from grapevine.
4 ) Gourds – In the video below, you will learn about making shadow boxes from gourds. Be sure to email us pictures of your shadow boxes!
5 ) Cornstalks – A great addition in a basket with your other Halloween decorations, or on top of your hay pedestal.
6 ) Pinestraw/Hay – Pinestraw and hay can be used to help craft a scarecrow, or as a pedestal for your pumpkins, gourds, or other decorations.
7 ) Dead Flowers – When combined with a pile of dirt, dead flowers can make a “graveyard” area in your yard!
8 ) Lights, inflatables, and other retail merchandise – There are several local stores in which you can purchase additional Halloween decorations that will provide some flare or scary elements to your yard. If you decide to purchase these items, design around them in a way that can make them the focal point of your yard.
Remember that landscaping for Halloween can be a fun family activity that shouldn’t break your pocket books. Most of these decorations can be used for the entire Fall season. Be sure to re-use old supplies that you have in your garage or shed such as empty planters by filling them with some of the Halloween supplies listed above. Decorate your shrubs and tree limbs with spider-webs, lights, and hanging ornaments from your local garden center or party supply store.
Many of the items on our list can be picked up from Brackman’s Stepping Stone Rock and Garden Center, LLC such as: gourds, pumpkins, mums, and straw just to name a few. If you need any help preparing your landscaping for Halloween, the professionals at Brackman’s Stepping Stone Rock and Garden Center, LLC are here to help with your landscaping or gardening needs. Give us a call today at 601-264-2886 or email us at thesteppingstone@live.com.